Friday, July 31, 2009

Cupcake Girl

With all the baking I do around here I am starting to feel like this girl. Only a little larger. And older.

I love this photo. Not sure where it originated or where I found it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Little Pitchers

At my mother's house.....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Marian the Librarian

Yes, I know it's wrong to put corrective eye glasses on a 2 year old. But she wanted to wear them. For just a moment. And now she is going around telling every one to "shhhhh please" and showing off her knowledge of the Dewey decimal system.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I love knitted whimsies. And knitted absurdities. Love this knitted Vespa from Leah Sutton. It makes me want to come up with a really bad pun involving "taking a spin"....yarn? spin? get it? har har.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Joy Jumping

It's Friday. Whooohooo!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Following

Sometimes it's good to follow and not always lead. Especially in your 'jammas. The ones with the kitties knitting on them.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Favorite

My new favorite color. And when I held it in my hand, it was still warm from the sun.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Whole Half

With just two of us in the house most times now, full recipes of just about anything are too much. When I got the itch to make a layer cake last night, I found this recipe. It's from Betty Crocker, called a "Dinette Cake" and was developed in the 1940's as a "1 egg cake for a small family". It's delicious! The cake flour (be sure to sift) makes the texture so light and fine. I made it in a 9 inch round cake pan, cut it in half to layer and spread the middle with my homemade jumble jam from a few weeks ago. Then frosted with vanilla buttercream icing. The half became a whole lotta good.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Cameo Cupcakes

As a dutiful grandmother, I made cupcakes today for the Wudgie. Or, as she calls every cake and every cupcake..."Happy Cakes". I tried a new recipe today from Sarah Magid's new book Organic and Chic. The cake is a delicious chocolate sponge cake (vegan, too) and the icing was new to me. A homemade marshmallow creme. Delicious. The pink tint and the tiny white sprinkles made cupcakes that reminded me of cameos. Cameo happy cakes.

When my daughter yells at me for baking sweets to tempt them, I'll tell her "its OK- its all organic".

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Give Away!

***Contest Over!!*** Congrats to the one and only entrant! You have been randomly selected to win win win!

To celebrate over 200 posts here at Good to be Home, a Give-Away! Just leave a comment before Sunday July 19 at noon (Eastern time)and I'll random pick a winner. The give away? A set of 12 photos embellished with the Good to be Home name. These 4" x 6" color photos make great postcards or bookmarks for cookbooks! The set are all photos that have appeared on my blog and will arrive in a special handmade folder.

Thanks for sticking with me and I love reading your comments!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blog Crush

I have a blog crush. I heart Pleasant View Schoolhouse and Anna's chronicles of her family, baking and sewing. All from her 1920's schoolhouse-turned-home. Her photos (and those taken by her son, Giles) are quite remarkable. Anna seems to live in a different era and has a retro wardrobe (that she makes) to go right along with the lifestyle. If you visit her blog, be sure to spend some time going through the archives and you'll get a real sense of how accomplished her children are and how dedicated she is to creating an incredible sense of home and style for them. And let me know if you develop a blog crush, too.

And some news from Good to be Home: look for a little give away coming soon!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Making a Case

I've been obsessed intrigued with vintage fabric and pillowcases lately. The fabric of pillowcases and bedding can be so luxurious and soft and the prints so fascinating. Take a look at these beauties found around the internet.

Here's a great video tutorial on how to make your own pillowcases (the fabric here? not so much) with an easy way to make that little extra fabric binding-stripe thing right below the hem. Oh and the music is great too.

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